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How to perform Umrah, do’s and don’ts

Here's a step-by-step guide to performing the Umrah pilgrimage.

Rising Hajj costs: A Global concern

The increasing cost of the Hajj pilgrimage is a worry for Muslims worldwide. Economic factors like currency devaluation and inflation have made this sacred...

Upgrade your old laptop, and even load windows 10 pro

This upgrade story is of Toshiba C650 laptop bought at least 8 to 10 years ago when windows 7 was the dominating stable operating...

Exploring the Magnificent Abu Simbel Temple: A Journey Through Time

Introduction In August 2023, we embarked on an unforgettable adventure through Egypt, leading us to the breathtaking Abu Simbel Temple. This ancient marvel, linked to...

The journey of Faith and devotion: From modern Umrah to ancient Kaaba

"Welcome to an extraordinary journey to Mecca, a city steeped in history and spirituality. On May 26, 2023, we set off from Luton, embarking on a sacred pilgrimage known as Umrah. As we began this journey, our hearts were filled with anticipation and heartfelt devotion, following in the footsteps of countless believers throughout history.

Omar Series: An Exploration of the life the Second Caliph

This 30-episode epic, directed by Hatem Ali, explores the life of Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, the second Caliph of the Islamic State and a trusted associate of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).

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